ggtour() initializes a ggplot object for a tour. proto_* functions are added to the tour, analogous to ggplot() + geom_*. The final tour object is then animated with animate_plotly() or animate_ggtour(), or passed to filmstrip() for static plot faceting on frames.

  data = NULL,
  angle = 0.05,
  basis_label = NULL,
  data_label = NULL,
  do_center_frame = TRUE



An array of projection bases for the tour, as produced with manual_tour() or tour::save_history(), or a single basis.


Numeric data to project. If left NULL, will check if it data is stored as an attribute of the the basis_array.


Target angle (radians) for interpolation frames between frames of the basis_array. Defaults to .05. To opt out of interpolation set to NA or 0.


Labels for basis display, a character vector with length equal to the number of variables. Defaults to NULL; 3 character abbreviation from colnames of data or rownames of basis.


Labels for plotly tooltip display. Defaults to the NULL, rownames and/or numbers of data.


Whether or not to center the mean within each animation frame. Defaults to TRUE.


dat     <- scale_sd(penguins_na.rm[, 1:4])
clas    <- penguins_na.rm$species
bas     <- basis_pca(dat)
mv      <- manip_var_of(bas)
mt_path <- manual_tour(bas, manip_var = mv)

## d = 2 case
ggt <- ggtour(basis_array = mt_path, data = dat, angle = .3) +
  proto_default(aes_args = list(color = clas, shape = clas),
                identity_args = list(size = 1.5, alpha = .8))
# \donttest{
# } ## Finer control calling individual proto_* functions ggt <- ggtour(basis_array = mt_path, data = dat, angle = .3) + proto_point(aes_args = list(color = clas, shape = clas), identity_args = list(size = 1.5, alpha = .8), row_index = which(clas == levels(clas)[1])) + proto_basis(position = "right", manip_col = "red", text_size = 7L) + proto_origin() # \donttest{ animate_plotly(ggt)
# } ## d = 1 case bas1d <- basis_pca(dat, d = 1) mt_path1d <- manual_tour(basis = bas1d, manip_var = mv) ggt1d <- ggtour(basis_array = mt_path1d, data = dat, angle = .3) + proto_default1d(aes_args = list(fill= clas, color = clas)) # \donttest{ animate_plotly(ggt1d)
# } ## Single basis ggt <- ggtour(basis_array = bas, data = dat) + proto_default(aes_args = list(fill= clas, color = clas)) ## ggtour() returns a static ggplot2 plot # \donttest{ ggt ### or as html widget with tooltips animate_plotly(ggt) #> ggtour df_basis only has 1 frame, no animation options.
# }